The Case for: a Yearly Physical Therapy Wellness Visit

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Why should you have one?


How does it work?


The purpose of any wellness visit - no matter what type of provider you might be seeing - is prevention of disease and dysfunction, through screening, education, and early intervention when needed.

Just like you might have an annual eye exam, primary doctor wellness visit, well-woman visit at the OBGYN, or dental exams twice a year, a well-rounded wellness routine includes a trip to your physical therapist as well.

Hip extension passive mobility assessment                                                     Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Hip extension passive mobility assessment Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Here’s Why

“ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. ”

No where is this more true than in your movement system, otherwise known as your neuromusculoskeletal system. This system is the primary issue in any orthopedic pains or limitations and physical therapists are the experts in addressing these movement impairments. The earlier you identify a small problem and seek guidance from a physical therapist, the quicker your recovery (in both time and number of visits needed). And the less impact it will have on other systems of your body. Maintaining optimal function of your neuromusculoskeletal system, which includes nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones, and fascia, is crucial to maintaining health throughout the rest of your body. Inactivity alone leads to negative effects in the cardiovascular, metabolic, endocrine (hormones), gastro-intestinal, and musculoskeletal systems just to name a few.

So if you are routinely screened for onset of changes in your neuromusculoskeletal system, one visit can have a large impact on intervening pre-problem and keeping you healthy and strong, moving optimally, and staying active. We have all heard about how important physical activity is for preventing chronic diseases, and an annual PT visit is aimed at making sure you are best prepared to stay active and avoid injury and disease.

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Is It For You?

Do you want to prevent low back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain?

Do you want to keep exercising or playing your favorite sport for decades?

Do you want to keep doing your job without fear of pain or disability?

Do you want to maintain your ability to provide and care for your family?

Do you want to enjoy your retirement?

If you answered yes to at least one of these, a yearly physical therapy wellness visit will help you achieve those goals.

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

So what is a Physical Therapy Wellness Visit ?

  • A health assessment emphasizing physical activity, daily function, and movement abilities and limitations.

  • Discusses your current stress management strategies, typical eating habits, and physical activity levels. Reviews your current supplements, medications, and conditions.

  • Details your current exercise regimen, types of exercise you enjoy, hobbies, recreation, family activities, etc.

  • Assesses your full body range of motion.

  • Identifies any muscular weaknesses.

  • Checks for balance, function, and endurance.

  • Provides a plan to correct any areas performing below normal levels or below your needs or goals.

  • Informs if any specific regions might benefit from more in-depth evaluation and treatment.

  • Can be customized to your current activity level and short-term or long-term goals

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Who is it for?

  • YOU!

  • Any age

  • Any function or activity level

  • Any interests or goals

  • Anyone who likes preventing problems before they start

  • Anyone who wants to catch problems early

  • Anyone with dreams of being healthier

  • Anyone who intermittently has a few aches or pains throughout the year

  • Anyone who has a few conditions they’re managing but want to be as healthy as possible

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

Photo by Liz Stubbs Photography

6 Benefits of a Physical Therapy Wellness Visit

  • Have your current exercise regimen evaluated against your current difficulties or pains.

    • Example Situation

      • You have some pain with intermittent heavy yardwork - in your low back and shoulders

      • You want to avoid injury, the 3-5 day recovery period you currently experience, and you want to be able to continue doing your yardwork for many years

    • Example PT Wellness Visit Outcome

      • Identified that current exercise regimen was lacking back extensor and chest/shoulder strengthening exercises

      • Added 3 exercises to your routine to increase strength, endurance, and tolerance for your goal activities

      • Chose specific exercises to target the exact motions needed to complete your most difficult yard tasks

      • Followed-up to discuss or modify exercises based on your yardwork performance and symptom recovery

  • Get a fix for something you had forgotten about, or didn't realize could be improved!

    • Example Situation - checking range of motion (ROM)

      • I was checking how far a client could turn their head to one side and the other. I noticed a significant stiffness to one side, and within 5 minutes of treatment, was able to improve it to symmetrical and normal levels.

      • The client had noticed this once or twice, but had forgotten about it and didn't realize how far from a normal measurement they were. But it was easy to fix and I taught them an exercise to maintain full ROM in their neck.

    • Why is turning your head important?

      • If you can't turn your head all the way, you may have trouble scanning your environment while walking, working, or even driving (checking your blind spots).

      • We tend to compensate by turning more from our torso which often means our arms and hands go with us. This is problematic if you are driving, needing to stabilize something during yardwork, continuing to type on a computer while looking at someone or thing, or completing any hands-on task at work or home

  • Get preventive exercises to stop a budding problem in its tracks.

    • Example Situation

      • Maybe you've noticed a slight tightness and weakness in your shoulder, but otherwise you would never mention it to anyone

      • Well untreated, that could eventually lead to a shoulder problem down the road.

    • Example PT Wellness Visit Outcome

      • You get treatment and exercises PROACTIVELY to restore your mobility and strength.

      • So you are less likely to have a problem in that shoulder down the road.

  • Have baseline measurements available prior to any injuries or surgeries.

    • Example Problem

      • Ever wish you knew how strong you were before an injury, so that you knew when you returned to your pre-injury level?

    • PT Wellness Visit Solution

      • Have your "normal" levels tracked during your annual physical therapy wellness visits.

  • With repeated annual wellness visits, data will demonstrate any trends of slow decline onset.

    • Example Situation - gait, balance, functional endurance

      • Multiple data points identify an emerging weakness or balance trend heading in a negative direction

      • Maybe your fastest gait speed is consistently slower, your single leg balance time is decreasing, or your 30 second sit to stand or 6 minute walk tests have fewer reps or distance

    • PT Wellness Visit Solution

      • Take quick action to course correct and get you trending the right way!

      • You'll get exercises to improve your range of motion, strength, endurance, and function and reverse the trend!

      • You’ll get a follow up visit to ensure the exercises are having the appropriate effect and you are trending upward :)

  • Do you want to improve your strength or function over time? Do you hope that your workouts have the desired effect of making you stronger, losing inches, or performing better?

    • These metrics will be tracked at every annual wellness visit, so that you can know if your chosen workouts are having your intended outcome!

I hope you found that informative and stimulating.

Maybe this year is the year you start getting an annual PT Wellness Visit?

Schedule one today with Stubbs Mobile PT!


Physical Therapy & Proactive Health for Sustainability


100 Years of Optimizing Movement