Start with a
Meet Your Doctor First Call.
(it’s free, video chat)
Think you have to live with pain forever?
Often that’s not the case.
I’ve helped many people get out pain who thought they’d “just have to live with it”.
I’d love to help you too. No, I’m serious.
I want you to have that feeling of doing life again without pain or with less pain that doesn’t suck the fun out of everything.
Working together can look different for you than all the others I’ve helped because we’re all different people.
Interested? How do you start?
Wouldn’t it be great if we could meet the doctor before using up an appointment to “establish care”?
I got you, I feel the same way.
That’s why you get to meet your doctor first, with a 15 minute video call.
And decide if it feels right to you, for you, right now.
3 Easy Steps
1. Start with a Meet Your Doctor First call (it’s free!)
2. Schedule your initial assessment (with me).
3. Buy a Package OR Buy sessions a la carte.*
*We will find out which route is best for you after step 1 or 2 & go from there.